Work Package 2
Online assessment tool for the measurement of digital skill levels
Online assessment tool for the measurement of digital skill levels Companies are now looking for simple ways to implement digitalization projects in order to stay competitive and satisfy their customers. Digital Transformation is an iterative organizational process that includes both incremental and disruptive changes enabled by digital technology. It entails adapting a small business and its business model to new technologies and technological innovations in the sociotechnical environment. However, many SMEs, micro businesses, and sole proprietorships are unable to capitalize on digitalization due to limitations in the adoption of digital and smart technologies, as well as a lack of investment in appropriate knowledge-based assets.
With this in mind, the second Work Package intends to contribute to the articulation of required digital skills by informing and bringing SME managers and/or owners closer to the potential of several digital skills relevant to specific technological areas that refer to BIC technologies, as well as raising awareness of both adoption and adaptation of SMEs digital transformation. More specifiaclly, this Work Package aims to identify the types of digital skills that are highly demanded by SMEs and self-entrepreneurs and at the same time to provide cross-sectorial inputs towards the future digital skills.
Additionally, the online assessment tool will be developed to measure and assess the digital skills level, digital literacy and tech-based competences of SMEs managers and self-entrepreneurs. In addition, the Handbook for VET providers/ VET educators will guide them for the e-readiness of SMEs.
The WP2 main expected results with the implementation of the corresponding activities are as follows:
⚈ mapping digital skills and promote knowledge capacity in digital transformation among SMEs
⚈ suggest monitoring mechanisms in order to understand, and adopt disruptive technologies, innovations and more
⚈ develop an innovative assessment tool for SMEs managers and self-entrepreneurs digital skills profiling
⚈ propose an indicator framework for Big Data, Internet of Things and Cybersecurity (BIC technologies) specific indicators
through state of play report that will be developed from the partnership
⚈ set the basis for profiling digital skills of managers from modern small businesses and self-entrepreneurs so as to cover
the mismatches
⚈ develop and promote practical guide for VET educators and trainers facilitating their teaching methodologies relevant to
digital transformation
VET Handbook

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them 2022-1-CZ01-KA220-VET- 000086461
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